ACIS Undergraduate Degree

In College Factual's most recent rankings (2022) for the best schools for accounting majors, Virginia Tech is ranked in the top 5% of the country at #18. ACIS also ranked #2 in Virginia.

A prior College Factual ranking stated, "It is hard to beat Virginia Tech if you want to study Accounting. Virginia Tech accounting majors receive [a higher starting salary] than the average accounting grad."  That gap has grown over the last few years to more than $16,000 in 2022.

Business Degree Central's 2021 rankings of Best Accounting Schools finds Accounting the second most popular major in the United States and ranks our program #25 in the nation.  This source also states our graduates earn a higher median salary than the national average for all accounting bachelor's degree recipients, 44% higher.

ACIS Master's Degree

A recent Public Accounting Report ranked Virginia Tech's Master's of Accounting Program #3 in the mid-Atlantic Region, #15 among large schools and #23 among all programs nationwide.

The 2022 College Factual rankings placed the ACIS Master's degree #24, and noted that accounting is the second most popular master's degree field of study in the nation.

ACIS Ph.D. Degree

The ACIS Ph.D. program is ranked #20 worldwide.  This ranking is based on publications by our Ph.D. program graduates in the top 12 accounting journals according to the BYU database.