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Mailyn Fernandez

Ph.D. Student


Financial Archival

Began Ph.D. Program



Mailyn Fernandez joined the PhD program in the Accounting and Information Systems Department at Virginia Tech in Fall 2020. She received a BBA double major in finance and accounting and a research MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Miami. She also obtained an MA in Business Administration from the University of Michigan, where she completed coursework in accounting theory and empirical research. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, Mailyn worked in commercial banking for prominent financial institutions, such as BNY Mellon and Banco Sabadell.

She is primarily interested in financial archival research, particularly topics in debt contracting, disclosure, and the role of media in the broader information environment. Throughout her PhD program, she has developed expertise in natural language processing and textual analysis methods, as well as leveraging generative AI and large language models for research and teaching.

Mailyn is also a member of The PhD Project Accounting Doctoral Student Association.

Fernandez CV.pdf